Bringing Restorative Practices to Schools and Communities



Managing Stress During COVID-19

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Restorative Practices are a way of being.  While we may not be in school together right now, we can continue to practice and develop the strategies that help us to become more restorative.  Social and emotional learning after all starts with adults.  This moment in time is giving us an opportunity to practice many of the social and emotional learning strategies that we ask our students to practice, especially stress management! 

We all experience stress.   Although as a culture we think of stress in a negative way, in fact stress isn’t good or bad, it is simply the body’s response to any kind of change.  And currently we are all dealing with major change!  

Positive stress is called “eustress” and it is associated with new and exciting things that motivate and energize us.  Eustress can improve our performance, especially when we perceive that stress as a positive thing such as a new job or going on vacation. Negative stress, called “distress”  is associated with concern and anxiety.  Distress often decreases our performance and if not managed can lead to stress related illnesses.

Most of us experience stress in our bodies and our minds.  Common symptoms of stress in the body include, muscle aches and pains, headaches, stomach aches, fatigue and others.  Common symptoms of stress we experience in the mind include worry, anxiety, depression, negativity and others.  It is always helpful to be aware of how you experience stress so that you can work to reduce your symptoms. 

Common strategies for reducing stress in our bodies include:

Some helpful strategies for reducing stress in our minds include:

You may also be interested in this comprehensive book that includes many strategies and activities for all ages “The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook”  by Davis, Eshelman and McKay. 

Clearly this is a stressful time for everyone.  We hope you find these resources helpful.  Remember that self care is one of the best ways to help others. In the comments below, please share other ways that you are managing stress at this difficult time.  We are each other’s best resource. 

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